spf |
cmscan-Rfam |
Family : Spot_42 |
Id: RF00021 |
Type: Gene; sRNA; |
Taxonomy: Eukaryota; Bacteria; | Ontology: Not found |
Description: The physiological role of Escherichia coli Spot 42 (spf) RNA has remained obscure, even though the 109-nucleotide RNA was discovered almost three decades ago. Spot 42 seems to have a regulatory role on the galactose operon [1]. It is proposed that Spot 42 acts by an antisense mechanism where the RNA binds to the galK translation initiator region [1]. Changes in Spot 42 levels are implicated in affecting the adjacent DNA polymerase I levels [2]. The Hfq protein has been shown to interact with several small regulatory RNAs in E. coli, and the protein is required for OxyS, DsrA, RprA and Spot 42 RNA regulation [3].
Score: 110.4 |
E-value: 3.3e-24 |
From sequence: 1 |
To sequence: 109 |
Alignments: ?? NC ~~~~~~<<-<<<<<-<<<<<<<<<<<<___>>>>>>---->>>>>>>>>>>->>>>,,,,,,,,,,<<<<<<_....>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<____>>>>> CS RF00021 1 <[10]*GuAggguaCagaGGuaaGaugUUCuauCuuUCAGaCCuuuuaccucaCgcuAuuggAuuaGgCugau....ucaGcCGCCcCaGccaaUuuuggCu 102 GUAG:GUACAGAGGUAAGAUGUUCUAUCUUUCAGACCUUUUAC:UCACG +AU GGAUU+GGCU:A+ U:AGCCGCCCCAG:CA U +UG:CU spf 1 <[ 0]*GUAGGGUACAGAGGUAAGAUGUUCUAUCUUUCAGACCUUUUACUUCACGUAAUCGGAUUUGGCUGAAuauuUUAGCCGCCCCAGUCAGUAAUGACU 96 ......******************************************************************88999************************* PP
NC >>>>>:::::::: CS RF00021 103 GgGGCuUUUUUUu 115 GGGGC+UUUUUU+ spf 97 GGGGCGUUUUUUA 109 ************* PP
RNAfold |
>spf UAGGGUACAGAGGUAAGAUGUUCUAUCUUUCAGACCUUUUACUUCACGUA AUCGGAUUUGGCUGAAUAUUUUAGCCGCCCCAGUCAGUAAUGACUGGGGC GUUUUUUA ..(((((.((((((((((((...))))))....)))))))))))...............(((((((...)))))))((((((((((....))))))))))........ (-38.30) |
Length sequence: 108 |
Length match: 108 |